By Mach Samuel Peter, Bor, Jonglei State

March 10, 2017 (SSB) — Here is a transcript of the press conference between Governor Philip Aguer of Jonglei state and David Shearer of UNMISS, in Bor, Jonglei state, on March 9, 2017
Governor Philip Aguer: Today we welcome the special representative of the united Nation secretary general to South Sudan Mr. David Shearer. He has come to visit us as he did in some parts of South Sudan
We share the security threats in Jonglei, one is political and the second is social economic problem known as child abduction and cattle raiding and he expressed the readiness and willingness of the United Nation Mission in South Sudan to help in any way in peace building in Jonglei state and he interacted with community leaders who are also ready to make peace with the neighbors.
UNMISS Chief David Shearer: We had a good meeting with the governor and the representative here in Bor Deborah Schein is here. The governor said the united nation is doing very well in the town improving the roads and the agriculture sector and the humanitarian issues
We were talking in particular with the Paramount chiefs about the issue of cattle rustling and child abduction and we offered whatever help we can in terms of building peace between various communities
Tomorrow I will be travelling to Pibor and I will be having the same conversation with the new governor there Mr. Konyi to tell us what we can do to bring these communities together and stop this worsening situation that can only lead to more violence and more death
I spoke to Kuol Manyang the minister of defense in Juba this morning before I came here. And we would do what we would possibly do.
I want to say, thank you to the governor, my appreciation to the governor and the local authorities for the cooperation that we have built over the time, it is one of the best places in South Sudan that I visited for that cooperation and I want to thank him personally for creating that atmosphere.
Question by Mach Samuel Peter: How practical do you want to support the peace initiate in Jonglei state?
UNMISS Chief David Shearer: We do some policing, I am gonna speaking to our police team tonight, let me not give you the answer now but let me have the discussion first. I do believe that the cooperation between the police forces is always the way forward that is what we are trying to do in Juba actually and it seems Bor is a head of Juba in terms of progress that we have been making so let us use Bor as an example of the word cooperation
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